Sunday, July 26, 2015

Where Do I Go When I'm Not Home?

     Once again, I am returning home after another adventure. This time, I spent two weeks in the Amazon area of Peru. The last two of my blog entries I had scheduled to post for while I was away. I was able to have them appear, but I was in an area that did not have an Internet signal on Fridays so I couldn't link up to Nina's Off the Wall Friday like I usually do each week. The women in the river area of Peru do amazing embroideries. The base city for my trip was Iquitos, Peru and here are two of the local women setting up shop.
One sewing and one setting up
Here is a cloth I considered buying. The white "outlines" around the flower represent anacondas.

All hand embroidered
The asking price was about $200. Of course, the tradition is to bargain. I have nowhere in my home to display it, so I didn't bargain. I just admired it for quite awhile and said how beautiful it was and moved on. I did buy a beautifully embroidered blouse from another woman at the end of our trip, however. And several baskets and bracelets from a village on the river to give as gifts.
     One week of the trip was a 7 day cruise on the Amazon (my husband and I were the only passengers with 6 crew and one guide). They didn't cancel because they had to move the boat anyway. And the second week, we stayed at a jungle lodge.  Here are few photos.
Our way, cool boat, The Selva Viva

Hiking with guide

picked up a friend
owl monkeys so curious about us

our tent for a night out

rainbow over the Marañón River just below the source of the Amazon
     It was a marvelous trip and my head is full of images of amazing birds, monkeys, foliage, and sounds. I'm glad to be home in dry clothes again and away from the many bugs. But the discomforts were so worth the enrichment. I'm linking this, successfully, to Off The Wall Friday where you can find other art quilt blogs. Please make comments on their posts to let them know you stopped by. Thanks for visiting.


  1. What a trip! I'm not sure I would have been so cool about the spider. There's sure to be some great art out of this, I'm sure.

    1. It's going to take awhile for all the imagery to settle in my head and for me to filter out what was most important to me.

  2. Wow, I didn't know you were such an explorer! Looking forward to hearing more about it.

    1. Ever since I backpacked around the world in 1983, I've been addicted. I do something like this at least once a year now.

  3. What a wonderful opportunity! I imagine we will see the influences in your art for many years to come! Hope you kept a journal!

    1. No, the only journal are the photos. I was so exhausted at the end of each day I never made any art with the supplies I took or did any writing. But I plan to make a shutterfly book with the photos and I'm sure some art will happen from some of the images.


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