Sunday, April 14, 2013

Moving In

Lucky Cat
Little by little I'm moving things into the studio. I put the dining room table that I just bought in first and put the storage units in that hold my fabrics. I put this little lucky cat in first, though. Opus, our 8 month-old, saw a squirrel outside the window and began to stalk it from on top of the window sill. Then he noticed Lucky Cat waving his arm and began to stalk it. He couldn't make up his mind which one had better potential and kept switching his attention from one to the other. It was very entertaining.
After Lucky Cat was moved in, I moved in this chair and pillow for a cat perch. (Have to make sure they are happy first.)
It came in handy already for them to watch the rooster that showed up in our yard yesterday. We can't find the owner and it doesn't seem to want to leave. I might have to go out and buy rooster food for it (whatever that is) and give it a name. Any suggestions?

Then we moved in the 8 ft table. I bought it to become my sewing table, but now that I've worked on it cutting and fusing for a few days, I think it would make a great cutting table. I'll buy something for under the legs to raise it about 6 inches taller. And I'll buy another dining room table for my sewing table.
 Everything is messy now because I don't have anything with shelves or drawers. After I buy the needed furniture, I'll paint it all and arrange the room into four areas.
1. Cutting Table
2. Sewing Table
3. Craft Table for painting, drilling, etc.
4. Reading chair with floor lamp and bookshelves for magazine collection and books.

Now back to my quilt. I need to pick up the pace to meet the deadline of April 30.

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